Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Everything You Need To Know About Hair Transplant?

Hair transplantation is a surgical technique where hair follicles from a healthy part of the head are transplanted to a bald section. Hair transplant surgery can take between three and eight hours to complete. It involves removing a thin strip of tissue from an area of growing hair, typically the back or sides of the scalp, and then separating out each individual hair, which are then transplanted into the bald sections. 

Hair Transplant Clinic in Thane

The strip of hair is usually cut in a "posterior advancement flap," where both scalp and skin from the back of the head are moved forward to cover an area no longer producing hair. Although it can be performed on anyone with any type of hair loss issues, the most common reasons for hair transplant surgery are male-pattern baldness and female-pattern baldness.

There are a number of different techniques used in hair transplant surgery by Hair Transplant Clinic in Thane. The most common is called the FUE (follicular unit extraction) technique. FUE involves using a tiny punch to remove individual hair follicles from the donor strip. These hair follicles are then implanted into the bald sections of the scalp using extremely fine micro-surgical instruments. FUE is a very precise and delicate procedure, but it can sometimes be painful and, because multiple holes must be cut into the skin on both sides of the head, there is also a risk that these small scars may become infected or lead to other complications.

The FUT (follicular unit transplantation) technique is a less precise but more commonly used method of hair transplant surgery. In FUT, a strip of tissue is removed from the donor area and then cut into small follicular units using a scalpel. These follicular units are then transplanted into the bald sections. FUT is faster and less painstaking than the FUE technique, but it also has a higher risk of scarring and infection because of all those small cuts on the scalp.

Because both techniques involve cutting away some hair follicles from one section of the head and moving them to another section, there is always some scarring involved no matter which technique is used. However, the FUE technique results in much less scarring than the FUT technique because there is no need to remove a strip of tissue from the donor area.

The number of hairs transplanted during a hair transplant surgery varies depending on the size and extent of the balding area. Most people require between 1,000 and 3,000 hair follicles to achieve a natural-looking result. Most people can return to work about two days after their hair transplant surgery. However, strenuous activity should be avoided for at least four weeks after the surgery. The cost of hair transplant surgery varies depending on the Hair Transplant Clinic in Thane, the location of the surgery, and the number of hairs transplanted.

If you are considering hair transplant surgery, be sure to consult with a qualified surgeon who has experience in this type of procedure. Do your research and ask questions so that you can make an informed decision about whether hair transplant surgery is right for you.

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